From HACCP to Business planning: Starting and Operating a Successful Meat Processing Facility

February 15, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Recent growth in the market for local food has placed a significant strain on Vermont’s livestock slaughter industry. Vermont’s farms and custom butchery operations are well poised to relieve some of that pressure by undertaking state inspected meat processing on a small scale. NOFA-VT recently received grant funding to provide business planning support, as well as HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan writing for small processors.

Join Randy Quenneville, former meat programs section chief at the VT agency of agriculture, and Bill Cavanaugh, farm business advisor at NOFA-VT to learn about starting and operating a successful VT state inspected meat processing facility and get an overview of the support that NOFA-VT can offer farmers and processors. There will be plenty of time for Q+A so bring all your burning meat inspection questions!

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