August Newsletter – Choosing to Farm, Research, and More!

NEGN community,

Please find a PDF of our August NEGN Newsletter linked below.

The NEGN newsletter is aimed at sharing out upcoming events, partner updates, and relevant resources on a monthly basis. We hope that by sharing consistently through our partner networks, on social media, and through our website we can aid in building collaborations and connections around grazing in New England. Please share out within your networks!

Let us know if you have content or updates to share for next month!

August NEGN Newsletter

Happy grazing,

NEGN Partners

July NEGN Newsletter

NEGN community,

Please find a PDF of our July 2022: NEGN monthly newsletter linked below. This new newsletter is aimed at sharing out upcoming events, providing a space for partner updates, and resources on a monthly basis. We started this newsletter to connect across our partner networks and aid in building collaborations and connections around grazing in New England.

Please post to all relevant channels (and print if that makes sense) and subscribe below if you are interested in receiving this newsletter directly to your inbox!

July NEGN Newsletter



NEGN Partners

Vermont Grazing and Livestock Virtual Conference Reaches New Audiences

Early in 2020, the Vermont Grazing and Livestock Conference team decided to host the winter 2021 conference virtually. They got to work tackling the learning curve that is virtual event hosting.

Mid-January, 306 participants logged on for three days of webinars, discussion boards and virtual trade shows.

65,279 hours of educational content were viewed!

Farmers were able to balance chores and live webinars, knowing anything they missed was being recorded. Being together to share stories and plan the next grazing season was greatly missed but the virtual event proved to be a great substitute.

The conference theme was embraced by the staff, speakers and participants:

As Above, So Below: Taking stock of what we see to care for all we grow

The line-up of speakers presented via Zoom and shared their expertise on subjects such as silvopasture, slaughter infrastructure, etymology and soil science. The content focused on the different evaluations and observations farmers make to assess the health of their farm business, livestock, forages and soil ecology.

The session recordings and are available to participants until July 2021. If you are interested in the recorded content, contact to learn how to access the online platform.